my profile

Pavan R Hebbar

Aerospace Engineer | Astrophysics Enthusiast

Hello there!!! Seems like you stumbled upon my personal webpage! This is an informal page describe me and my research. If you already know me, fell free to give me a feedback on this webpage. If you haven't met me earlier, gear up to meet an awesome personality!!!.

Universe is a wicked creation - It constrains us from performing experiments, making us meer observers to witness its magic - and this makes astrophysics extremely fascinating to me. I am primarily interested in studying compact objects, especially in the high energy regime. My work revolves around analyzing the photometric and the spectroscopic data to explain the physical process behind the observations.Thus I have good exposure to programming and data analysis.

Other fields that intrigue me include follow up of gravitational wave detections, active galactic nuclei and their effects on the galaxy and instrumentation for high energy telescopes

You can find more interesting stuff about me in my resume. For a more detailed overview of my research, please visit my official website.

personal info

name: Pavan Hebbar E-mail:

phone number: +1(780)935 2798
Who am i?
I am a masters student at University of Alberta in Physics Department(Specialization: Astrophysics) .I recently graduated from IIT Bombay with a Bachelors degree in Aerospace Engineering along with honors and an excellent academic record. I simultaneously achieved minor degrees in Physics and Computer Science.
What am I really good at?
My greatest strength lies in the use of data analysis and simulations to study theory. I am extremely fluent in Python and C++ programming especially for scientific objectives.With a good understanding of the basics and having explored various topics, I find it easy to understand new concepts. Thus I am extremely well-suited for research spanning over multiple disciplines.
What are my hobbies
Playing basketball is one of my favorite pastime. I also like taking part in adventure activities like mountaineering. Cycling and long walks always help me relax after a long day's work. The taste of good food makes me learn more and more cooking recipes.

technical skills

Fluent in most of the programming languages used for scientific computing









Specific packages and tools

Packages and tools which are useful in catering to some specific problems in scientific computation.


A concise summary of important projects that I have been involved in, sorted categorically.

project 1
Automatic GRB detection
project 2
Advitiy - Student Satellite
project 3
47 Tuc W
project 4
Collisionless shocks
project 5
CMBR polarization
project 6
Brio-Wu Shock Tube
project 7
project 8
Pratham - Student Satellite

"Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another"

- Plato -

My Education

My academic performance has been outstanding throughout my period of study

Atomic Energy Central School

(March 2011) Matriculation

Achieved a CGPA of 10.0

Sri Chaitanya Narayana Junior College

( July 2011 : Mar. 2013 ) Higher Secondary

Secured a cumulative percentage of 96.8%

IIT Bombay

( July 2013 : March 2017 ) Bachelors

Completed bachelors in Aerospace Engineering with honors and minors in Physics and Computer Science

Achieved a core CPI of 9.48/10.0 and Honor CPI of 10.0/10.0

University of Alberta

( September 2014 : NOW ) Masters

MS in physics with specialization in Astrophysics

Get in touch

call me

( +1 ) 7809352798 ( +91 ) 8879534302

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CCIS 2-108 University of Alberta